Monday 10 October 2016

Climate agreements meaningless if illegal logging continues


Sunday, August 21, 2016 (Sunday Chronicle)

ORO Governor Gary Juffa, while praising the efforts of the National Government and Environment and Conservation and Climate Change Minister, John Pundari- he pointed out the irony that the country is faced with illegal logging still taking place amidst the official stand taken by the Government to combat and address climate change.

He made his comments after the passing of the United Nations Paris Agreement Implementation Bill was passed by parliament on Wednesday.

“As long as we allow illegal logging to place in this country, than this effort is meaningless. It is the forests that are the lungs of this earth.”

“This is happening in our country, we have the third largest rainforest in the world. Much of our flora and fauna are disappearing.”

“We are not being innovative to look at other means to make a living for our people and not destroy our forests.”

He said he was happy with the efforts by the minister despite it being late, but added it is better late than never.

“In my province I am seeing the disappearance of forest that is affecting the largest butterfly in the world. It is estimated that in the next five years this butterfly will only be recorded in history, there will be no living evidence of it.”

“We cannot on the one hand allow these illegal exploitations to take place, this abuse to take place and on the other hand try to run to the international forum and tell the world that we are doing great things, insofar as climate change is concerned.”

“We need to empower the relevant ministry like the forest ministry here. Give them the resources to travel around the country to carry their reforestation programs. To go and conduct inspections and phase out illegal logging.”

“Let us not think these people are our friends. Let us not be mistaken here.”

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