Monday 19 December 2016

Climate change focus on highlands exists


Sunday, November 27, 2016 (Sunday Chronicle, PNG)

CLIMATE Change Development Authority Acting Managing Director, Ruel Yamuna, has maintained the highlands regions as a vital part of the authority’s efforts on projects in terms of its adaptation and mitigation efforts.

He made the comments when asked about comments raised in the last sitting of parliament about issues of funding and focus of climate change related activities being focused mainly on the coastal regions and island areas in the country by Anglimp South Wahgi MP, Joe Koim

“I guess that preconception has taken place due to the vulnerability impact assessments that has taken place in the past targeting the coast where we have rising sea levels sinking islands and you have vector bourne diseases that have been brought on by the effects of Climate Change,” Mr Yamuna said.

“That sort of set the tone for most of the coastal provinces to see most of the much needed funding and assistance.”

“Now that we have the cross cutting nature of climate change and how much of the highlands is now facing effects with drought, landslides, and we are now trying to work with the respective government through the provincial climate change committees which we now rolling out province by province.”

He said with the highlands region in the forefront of the climate phenomena, emphasis would now be placed to ensure that programs would reach all provinces through their respective climate change committees.

“That is our attempt to have our eyes and ears on the ground in terms of what the concerns are.”

“What the communities are facing and how we can CCDA as the coordinating agency on Climate Change can work with the respective state agencies as stakeholders to bring about much needed financial support and renewable energy projects to help them adapt to the effects of climate change.”

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