Wednesday 23 September 2015

Pom residents be warned


Wednesday, August 14, 2013 (Midweek Chronicle, PNG)

RESIDENTS who own vehicles around the East Boroko area and surrounding suburbs are warned to be careful when driving to or from their homes, as carjackers are now tailing vehicles to their residences, as a young couple was unfortunate enough to encounter on Monday night, in Port Moresby.

The couple were returning home in the early hours of the night from an outing when a gray Honda CRV, pulled up right behind them as they parked in front of their gate.

“There wasn’t any vehicle behind us when we parked, but they timed their arrival by following us from afar to see where we would end up.”

“I sent a text earlier for the gate to be opened, but they came just as quickly behind us and I was puzzled to who it was,” said the driver clearly in shock.

Five male occupants rushed out and started attacking the vehicle with bush knives and huge rocks- to smash their way into the vehicle and take the keys, but were unsuccessful due to the quick reaction by the driver to pull back into the assailant vehicle and stalled their attempts to steal the vehicle.

He yelled out at them to stop saying that his wife was heavily pregnant, but they did not have any have any consideration and slashed through the windscreen almost cutting them both in the process.

Longtime residents in the area said that it was common for car thieves to cease their activities for a while, before they resume it when residents lose their guard- warning all in the area to be cautious keeping an eye out for tailing vehicles and call home in advance to have their gates open before driving in.

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