Sunday 22 November 2015

Parkop renews calls for sector decentralizations

Caption:  NCD Governor Powes Parkop


Sunday, August 24, 2014  (Sunday Chronicle, PNG)

A CLEARLY frustrated NCD Governor Powes Parkop aired his calls to have major key sectors in the nation’s capital decentralized to the municipal city authority NCDC.

He expressed his sentiments to the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill during the opening of the new Kaugere Health Center last week.

Major areas the governor raised concerns on included health, education, and the public motor vehicle system.

“Prime Minister I have signed the agreement to set up the NCD Health Authority- three health ministers later and I am still waiting,” Governor Parkop said.

“We do not know the plan for the city. Who is going to manage the clinics? Who is going to upgrade them, drive them? I have not seen it yet and we are still waiting.”

“We need our health minister to make a decision- does he want the authority to be established, or if he has another plan we want to know.”

He told the Prime Minister that he could not make any decisions in the sectors in concerned because powers are still vested with the national government.

“Just like other things like education which I have asked the minister for us to decentralize it- bring it down so we will support and run it to deliver quality education,” Mr Parkop said.

“Land transport is still with the National Land Transport Board- they cannot run the PMV system in the city- they are letting us down big-time.”

“If it wasn’t for the 20 city buses run by the city authority the bus stops would be full to capacity, since we took the initiative it clears the bus stops so later on the PMVs turn up, or they don’t, run the route, full or not, charge fees big or small, we do not know.

He reiterated that the city authority was ready to take on health, education, and the public transport system for an efficient service for our city residents.

“All the national authorities responsible for these sectors are still thinking and thinking- when are they going to stop thinking and make some decisions.”

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