Wednesday 28 October 2015

PPL workers explain their actions

Caption:  Polapan Kilangit

Caption:  Eddie Gisa


Sunday, April 6, 2014 (Sunday Chronicle, PNG)

PNG Powers Limited (PPL) workers apologised for their actions last week that led to a nationwide shutdown of electricity services- stating the frustrations of not being heard by the company’s board and management led to the five hour blackout that crippled the country on Wednesday.

Speaking on behalf of the workers last week a gathering with the newly appointed Chairman of the PPL Board Larry Andagali, Public Employees Association (PEA) Branch President for PPL, Polapan Kilangit and Eddie Gisa, the Energy Workers Union (EWA) President both reiterated that all the issues could have been avoided had the board come down to listen and address their needs.

They however praised the actions of the new chairman, who they said was willing to work with them by first meeting with them personally, which was why they had turned on their services after the standoff.

“Your decision to meet with us yesterday (Wednesday, April 2) and listen to our concerns has given us comfort to get back to work and switch on the power,” Kilangit said.

“If the board and management had taken such an approach during the past four weeks, this would have prevented the nationwide shutdown.”

“We must apologise to the public and customers for the actions taken by our workers, which was a result of the deterioration in events over the past four weeks by all parties involved.”

He said that the cause of the conflict stemmed from industrial factors, management attitude towards workers, the government machinery, and other issues.

Sentiments that were shared by EWA President Eddie Gisa, who made reference to the hardship they faced in terms of the negativity and commitment they had despite not having their pleas heard.

“We have suffered throughout the last three weeks with a lot of media negativity also bringing shame on the staff on the staff of PNG Power nationwide,” he said.

“Though we had this negativity, we were brave enough to perform our duties on a daily basis, including the 24 hour service.”

“There is always a time for everything when frustration reaches us, which was what has happened when no one have listened to our pleas, resulting I the complete shutdown.”

He said that there was a failure either from the Union, the management, and instability among the board, and also IPBC in terms of financial support.

As of the changes to the board, the workers were now happy with the government through the minister responsible and NEC, who had responded in a timely manner with the appointment of as the new board chairman.

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